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Search result for miRNA = 'hsa-mir-451a' Or cancer = '' Total: 10 relations found.

mirId Family/Cluster Cancer Profile PubMed Article
hsa-mir-451a acute myeloid leukemia up MicroRNA expression profiling in adrenal myelolipoma.
hsa-mir-451a basal cell carcinoma down MicroRNA-451a acts as tumor suppressor in cutaneous basal cell carcinoma.
hsa-mir-451a breast cancer down miR-451a Inhibited Cell Proliferation and Enhanced Tamoxifen Sensitive in Breast Cancer via Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor.
hsa-mir-451a chronic myelogenous leukemia down Differential expression profiles and functional analysis of plasma miRNAs associated with chronic myeloid leukemia phases.
hsa-mir-451a hypopharyngeal cancer down NF-?B inhibition reverses acidic bile-induced miR-21, miR-155, miR-192, miR-34a, miR-375 and miR-451a deregulations in human hypopharyngeal cells.
hsa-mir-451a hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma down Identification of tumour suppressive microRNA-451a in hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma based on microRNA expression signature.
hsa-mir-451a non-small cell lung cancer down Regulation by Pink1 on the mitochondrial dysfunction in endothelial cells post the hypoxia mimetic agent CoCl2 treatment.
hsa-mir-451a non-small cell lung cancer down MiR-451a suppressed cell migration and invasion in non-small cell lung cancer through targeting ATF2.
hsa-mir-451a pancreatic cancer up An elevated expression of serum exosomal microRNA-191, -?21, -451a of pancreatic neoplasm is considered to be efficient diagnostic marker.
hsa-mir-451a papillary thyroid carcinoma down miR-451a is underexpressed and targets AKT/mTOR pathway in papillary thyroid carcinoma.