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Search result for miRNA = 'hsa-mir-433' Or cancer = '' Total: 17 relations found.

mirId Family/Cluster Cancer Profile PubMed Article
hsa-mir-433 breast cancer down MicroRNA-433 targets AKT3 and inhibits cell proliferation and viability in breast cancer.
hsa-mir-433 breast cancer down miR-433 inhibits breast cancer cell growth via the MAPK signaling pathway by targeting Rap1a.
hsa-mir-433 cervical cancer down MicroRNA-433 inhibits cervical cancer progression by directly targeting metadherin to regulate the AKT and ?-catenin signalling pathways.
hsa-mir-433 colon cancer down MicroRNA-433 Represses Proliferation and Invasion of Colon Cancer Cells by Targeting Homeobox A1.
hsa-mir-433 colorectal cancer down miR-433 reduces cell viability and promotes cell apoptosis by regulating MACC1 in colorectal cancer.
hsa-mir-433 colorectal cancer down Reduced miR-433 expression is associated with advanced stages and early relapse of colorectal cancer and restored miR-433 expression suppresses the migration, invasion and proliferation of tumor cells
hsa-mir-433 colorectal cancer down A CREB1/miR-433 reciprocal feedback loop modulates proliferation and metastasis in colorectal cancer.
hsa-mir-433 gastric cancer down Down-regulated miR-9 and miR-433 in human gastric carcinoma.
hsa-mir-433 gastric cancer down The Tumor Suppressor Roles of miR-433 and miR-127 in Gastric Cancer.
hsa-mir-433 hepatocellular carcinoma down MicroRNA-433 inhibits cell proliferation in hepatocellular carcinoma by targeting p21 activated kinase (PAK4).
hsa-mir-433 liver cancer down The microRNA-433 inhibits liver cancer cell migration by repressing the protein expression and function of cAMP response element binding protein.
hsa-mir-433 oral squamous cell carcinoma down miR-433 inhibits oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell growth and metastasis by targeting HDAC6.
hsa-mir-433 oral squamous cell carcinoma down MicroRNA-433 inhibits oral squamous cell carcinoma cells by targeting FAK.
hsa-mir-433 osteosarcoma up MicroRNA-433 regulates apoptosis by targeting PDCD4 in human osteosarcoma cells.
hsa-mir-433 ovarian cancer down MicroRNA-433 inhibits migration and invasion of ovarian cancer cells via targeting Notch1.
hsa-mir-433 retinoblastoma down MiR-433 inhibits retinoblastoma malignancy by suppressing Notch1 and PAX6 expression.
hsa-mir-433-3p glioma down MiR-433-3p suppresses cell growth and enhances chemosensitivity by targeting CREB in human glioma.