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Search result for miRNA = 'hsa-mir-409' Or cancer = '' Total: 14 relations found.

mirId Family/Cluster Cancer Profile PubMed Article
hsa-mir-409-3p bladder cancer down MicroRNA-409-3p inhibits migration and invasion of bladder cancer cells via targeting c-Met.
hsa-mir-409-3p breast cancer down miR-409-3p suppresses breast cancer cell growth and invasion by targeting Akt1.
hsa-mir-409-3p cervical carcinoma down MicroRNA-409 inhibits the proliferative ability of cervical carcinoma cells by regulating AKT.
hsa-mir-409-3p colon cancer down miR-409-3p sensitizes colon cancer cells to oxaliplatin by inhibiting Beclin-1-mediated autophagy.
hsa-mir-409-3p colorectal cancer down MicroRNA-409-3p suppresses colorectal cancer invasion and metastasis partly by targeting GAB1 expression.
hsa-mir-409-3p colorectal cancer down Downregulation of microRNA-409-3p promotes aggressiveness and metastasis in colorectal cancer: an indication for personalized medicine.
hsa-mir-409-3p gastric cancer down MicroRNA-409 suppresses tumour cell invasion and metastasis by directly targeting radixin in gastric cancers.
hsa-mir-409-3p gastric cancer down MicroRNA-409-3p regulates cell proliferation and apoptosis by targeting PHF10 in gastric cancer.
hsa-mir-409-3p glioma down MicroRNA-409-3p Represses Glioma Cell Invasion and Proliferation by Targeting High-mobility Group Nucleosome Binding Domain 5.
hsa-mir-409-3p lung adenocarcinoma down MicroRNA-409-3p functions as a tumor suppressor in human lung adenocarcinoma by targeting c-Met.
hsa-mir-409-3p osteosarcoma down MicroRNA-409-3p inhibits osteosarcoma cell migration and invasion by targeting catenin-?1.
hsa-mir-409-3p osteosarcoma down MiR-409-3p regulates cell proliferation and tumor growth by targeting E74-like factor 2 in osteosarcoma.
hsa-mir-409-3p ovarian cancer down Differential microRNA expression signatures and cell type-specific association with Taxol resistance in ovarian cancer cells.
hsa-mir-409-3p papillary thyroid carcinoma down MicroRNA-409-3p suppresses cell proliferation and cell cycle progression by targeting cyclin D2 in papillary thyroid carcinoma.