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Search result for miRNA = 'hsa-mir-27a' Or cancer = '' Total: 51 relations found.

mirId Family/Cluster Cancer Profile PubMed Article
hsa-mir-27a acute leukemia down MiR-27a functions as a tumor suppressor in acute leukemia by regulating 14-3-3?.
hsa-mir-27a mir-27 acute myeloid leukemia down MiR-424 and miR-27a increase TRAIL sensitivity of acute myeloid leukemia by targeting PLAG1.
hsa-mir-27a breast cancer up miR-27a regulates the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to cisplatin treatment via BAK-SMAC/DIABLO-XIAP axis.
hsa-mir-27a breast cancer up c-MYC regulated miR-23a~24-2~27a cluster promotes mammary carcinoma cell invasion and hepatic metastasis by targeting Sprouty2.
hsa-mir-27a breast cancer up Arsenic trioxide suppresses cell growth and migration via inhibition of miR-27a in breast cancer cells.
hsa-mir-27a cervical adenocarcinoma down miR-27a inhibits cervical adenocarcinoma progression by downregulating the TGF-?RI signaling pathway.
hsa-mir-27a cervical cancer up B4GALT3 up-regulation by miR-27a contributes to the oncogenic activity in human cervical cancer cells.
hsa-mir-27a chronic myelogenous leukemia up microRNA expression profiling as supportive diagnostic and therapy prediction tool in chronic myeloid leukemia.
hsa-mir-27a colorectal cancer up Knockdown of miR-27a sensitizes colorectal cancer stem cells to TRAIL by promoting the formation of Apaf-1-caspase-9 complex.
hsa-mir-27a colorectal cancer down Tumor Suppressor MicroRNA-27a in Colorectal Carcinogenesis and Progression by Targeting SGPP1 and Smad2.
hsa-mir-27a colorectal cancer up Novel evidence for curcumin and boswellic acid induced chemoprevention through regulation of miR-34a and miR-27a in colorectal cancer.
hsa-mir-27a esophageal cancer up Differential expression of miRNAs in esophageal cancer tissue.
hsa-mir-27a esophageal squamous cell carcinoma down microRNA-27a functions as a tumor suppressor in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma by targeting KRAS.
hsa-mir-27a esophageal squamous cell carcinoma down MicroRNA-27a directly targets KRAS to inhibit cell proliferation in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.
hsa-mir-27a gastric adenocarcinoma up MicroRNA-27a functions as an oncogene in gastric adenocarcinoma by targeting prohibitin.
hsa-mir-27a gastric cancer up MiRNA-27a promotes the proliferation and invasion of human gastric cancer MGC803 cells by targeting SFRP1 via Wnt/?-catenin signaling pathway.
hsa-mir-27a gastric cancer up Down-regulation of miR-27a might inhibit proliferation and drug resistance of gastric cancer cells.
hsa-mir-27a mir-27 gastric cancer up miR-27 promotes human gastric cancer cell metastasis by inducing epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition.
hsa-mir-27a gastric cancer up Cell-Free miR-27a, a Potential Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker for Gastric Cancer.
hsa-mir-27a glioma up MiR-27a regulates Wnt/beta-catenin signaling through targeting SFRP1 in glioma.
hsa-mir-27a glioma up Identification of microRNA signature in different pediatric brain tumors.
hsa-mir-27a glioma down Emerging role of microRNA-27a in human malignant glioma cell survival via targeting of prohibitin.
hsa-mir-27a hepatocellular carcinoma up MiR-27a promotes hepatocellular carcinoma cell proliferation through suppression of its target gene peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ?.
hsa-mir-27a hepatocellular carcinoma up Obesity-associated miR-27a upregulation promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis through suppressing SFRP1.
hsa-mir-27a laryngeal carcinoma up MicroRNA-27a promotes proliferation and suppresses apoptosis by targeting PLK2 in laryngeal carcinoma.
hsa-mir-27a liver cancer up Adipose tissue-secreted miR-27a promotes liver cancer by targeting FOXO1 in obese individuals.
hsa-mir-27a lung cancer up MIR-27a regulates the TGF-? signaling pathway by targeting SMAD2 and SMAD4 in lung cancer.
hsa-mir-27a non-small cell lung cancer down Circulating micro-RNA expression profiles in early stage nonsmall cell lung cancer.
hsa-mir-27a osteosarcoma up MicroRNA-27a Promotes Proliferation, Migration and Invasion by Targeting MAP2K4 in Human Osteosarcoma Cells.
hsa-mir-27a osteosarcoma up Down-regulation of microRNA-26a and up-regulation of microRNA-27a contributes to aggressive progression of human osteosarcoma.
hsa-mir-27a osteosarcoma up MicroRNA-27a functions as an oncogene in human osteosarcoma by targeting CCNG1.
hsa-mir-27a osteosarcoma up Diagnostic and prognostic potentials of microRNA-27a in osteosarcoma.
hsa-mir-27a ovarian cancer up MicroRNAs overexpressed in ovarian ALDH1-positive cells are associated with chemoresistance.
hsa-mir-27a ovarian cancer up Oncogenic MicroRNA-27a is a Target for Genistein in Ovarian Cancer Cells.
hsa-mir-27a ovarian cancer up Integrated microarray meta-analysis identifies miRNA-27a as an oncogene in ovarian cancer by inhibiting FOXO1.
hsa-mir-27a pancreatic cancer up Genistein Inhibits Cell Growth and Invasion Through Regulation of MiR-27a in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.
hsa-mir-27a pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma up MiRNAs are Unlikely to be Involved in Retinoid Receptor Gene Regulation in Pancreatic Cancer Cells.
hsa-mir-27a prostate cancer down Androgen-induced miR-27A acted as a tumor suppressor by targeting MAP2K4 and mediated prostate cancer progression.
hsa-mir-27a renal cell carcinoma up miR-27a promotes cell proliferation and metastasis in renal cell carcinoma.
hsa-mir-27a renal cell carcinoma down MicroRNA-27a functions as a tumor suppressor in renal cell carcinoma by targeting epidermal growth factor receptor.
hsa-mir-27a small cell lung cancer down miR-27a regulates the self renewal of the H446 small cell lung cancer cell line in vitro.
hsa-mir-27a squamous carcinoma up Unique MicroRNA Expression Profiles in Cervical Cancer.
hsa-mir-27a* head and neck squamous cell carcinoma down Coordinated Targeting of the EGFR Signaling Axis by MicroRNA-27a*
hsa-mir-27a-3p colorectal cancer up miR-27a-3p targeting RXR? promotes colorectal cancer progression by activating Wnt/?-catenin pathway.
hsa-mir-27a-3p esophageal squamous cell carcinoma up MiR-27a-3p promotes esophageal cancer cell proliferation via F-box and WD repeat domain-containing 7 (FBXW7) suppression.
hsa-mir-27a-3p gastric cancer up MiR-27a-3p functions as an oncogene in gastric cancer by targeting BTG2.
hsa-mir-27a-3p glioma up miR-24-3p and miR-27a-3p promote cell proliferation in glioma cells via cooperative regulation of MXI1.
hsa-mir-27a-3p hepatocellular carcinoma down miR-27a-3p suppresses tumor metastasis and VM by down-regulating VE-cadherin expression and inhibiting EMT: an essential role for Twist-1 in HCC.
hsa-mir-27a-3p hepatocellular carcinoma down MicroRNA-27a-3p inhibits cell viability and migration through down-regulating DUSP16 in hepatocellular carcinoma.
hsa-mir-27a-3p nasopharyngeal carcinoma up Dysregulated miR-27a-3p promotes nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell proliferation and migration by targeting Mapk10.
hsa-mir-27a-3p oral squamous cell carcinoma down MicroRNA-27a-3p regulates epithelial to mesenchymal transition via targeting YAP1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells.