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Search result for miRNA = 'hsa-mir-191' Or cancer = '' Total: 20 relations found.

mirId Family/Cluster Cancer Profile PubMed Article
hsa-mir-191 breast cancer up Differential expression of miR-21, miR-125b and miR-191 in breast cancer tissue.
hsa-mir-191 breast cancer down Estrogen mediated-activation of miR-191/425 cluster modulates tumorigenicity of breast cancer cells depending on estrogen receptor status.
hsa-mir-191 breast cancer up HIF-inducible miR-191 promotes migration in breast cancer through complex regulation of TGF?-signaling in hypoxic microenvironment.
hsa-mir-191 breast cancer up P53-miR-191-SOX4 regulatory loop affects apoptosis in breast cancer.
hsa-mir-191 colorectal cancer down Association of microRNA expression with microsatellite instability status in colorectal adenocarcinoma.
hsa-mir-191 colorectal cancer up miR-191 promotes tumorigenesis of human colorectal cancer through targeting C/EBP?.
hsa-mir-191 colorectal carcinoma up MicroRNA-191 correlates with poor prognosis of colorectal carcinoma and plays multiple roles by targeting tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease 3.
hsa-mir-191 colorectal carcinoma up MicroRNA-191 correlates with poor prognosis of colorectal carcinoma and plays multiple roles by targeting tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease 3.
hsa-mir-191 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma up Overexpression of miR-191 Predicts Poor Prognosis and Promotes Proliferation and Invasion in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
hsa-mir-191 gastric cancer up miRNA-223 promotes gastric cancer invasion and metastasis by targeting tumor suppressor EPB41L3.
hsa-mir-191 hepatocellular carcinoma up Hypomethylation of the hsa-miR-191 locus causes high expression of hsa-mir-191 and promotes the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in hepatocellular carcinoma.
hsa-mir-191 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma up MicroRNA-191 acts as a tumor promoter by modulating the TET1-p53 pathway in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
hsa-mir-191 osteosarcoma up MicroRNA-199a-3p is downregulated in human osteosarcoma and regulates cell proliferation and migration.
hsa-mir-191 osteosarcoma up MicroRNA-191 promotes osteosarcoma cells proliferation by targeting checkpoint kinase 2.
hsa-mir-191 osteosarcoma up Increased expression of microRNA-191 as a potential serum biomarker for diagnosis and prognosis in human osteosarcoma.
hsa-mir-191 pancreatic cancer up MicroRNA-191 promotes pancreatic cancer progression by targeting USP10.
hsa-mir-191 pancreatic cancer up An elevated expression of serum exosomal microRNA-191, -?21, -451a of pancreatic neoplasm is considered to be efficient diagnostic marker.
hsa-mir-191 prostate cancer up Upregulation of miR-191 promotes cell growth and invasion via targeting TIMP3 in prostate cancer.
hsa-mir-191-5p renal cell carcinoma down MicroRNA-191-5p exerts a tumor suppressive role in renal cell carcinoma.
hsa-mir-1915-3p breast cancer up Identification of serum miR-1915-3p and miR-455-3p as biomarkers for breast cancer.