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Search result for miRNA = 'hsa-mir-130b' Or cancer = '' Total: 30 relations found.

mirId Family/Cluster Cancer Profile PubMed Article
hsa-mir-130b bladder cancer up miR-130b promotes bladder cancer cell proliferation, migration and invasion by targeting VGLL4.
hsa-mir-130b colorectal cancer up MicroRNA-130b Promotes Tumor Development and Is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer.
hsa-mir-130b colorectal cancer up MicroRNA-130b Promotes Tumor Development and Is Associated with Poor Prognosis in Colorectal Cancer.
hsa-mir-130b colorectal cancer down Microrna 130b Suppresses Migration and Invasion of Colorectal Cancer Cells through Downregulation of Integrin ?1.
hsa-mir-130b mir-130 endometrial cancer down Mutant p53 gain-of-function induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition through modulation of the miR-130b-ZEB1 axis.
hsa-mir-130b esophageal squamous cell carcinoma up MiR-130b plays an oncogenic role by repressing PTEN expression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells.
hsa-mir-130b mir-130 gastric cancer up Onco-miR-130 promotes cell proliferation and migration by targeting TGF?R2 in gastric cancer.
hsa-mir-130b glioblastoma up Upregulation of miR-130b enhances stem cell-like phenotype in glioblastoma by inactivating the Hippo signaling pathway.
hsa-mir-130b glioma up MicroRNA-130b promotes cell migration and invasion by targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in human glioma.
hsa-mir-130b glioma up MicroRNA-130b promotes cell proliferation and invasion by inhibiting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-? in human glioma cells.
hsa-mir-130b glioma up miR-130b regulates the proliferation, invasion and apoptosis of glioma cells via targeting of CYLD.
hsa-mir-130b glioma up MicroRNA-130b promotes cell migration and invasion by inhibiting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-? in human glioma.
hsa-mir-130b glioma up Suppression of microRNA-130b inhibits glioma cell proliferation and invasion, and induces apoptosis by PTEN/AKT signaling.
hsa-mir-130b hepatocellular carcinoma up Identification of differentially expressed microRNAs in human hepatocellular adenoma associated with type I glycogen storage disease: a potential utility as biomarkers.
hsa-mir-130b hepatocellular carcinoma up High expression of microRNA-130b correlates with poor prognosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
hsa-mir-130b hepatocellular carcinoma down Repression of microRNA-130b by thyroid hormone enhances cell motility.
hsa-mir-130b hepatocellular carcinoma up MicroRNA-130b promotes proliferation and EMT-induced metastasis via PTEN/p-AKT/HIF-1? signaling.
hsa-mir-130b lung cancer up MicroRNA-130b promotes lung cancer progression via PPAR?/VEGF-A/BCL-2-mediated suppression of apoptosis.
hsa-mir-130b neuroblastoma up MicroRNA-130b promotes cell migration and invasion by targeting peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma in human glioma.
hsa-mir-130b mir-130 non-small cell lung cancer down MiR-130 exerts tumor suppressive function on the tumorigenesis of human non-small cell lung cancer by targeting PTEN.
hsa-mir-130b non-small cell lung cancer up An alternative microRNA-mediated post-transcriptional regulation of GADD45A by p53 in human non-small-cell lung cancer cells.
hsa-mir-130b osteosarcoma up miR-130b targets NKD2 and regulates the Wnt signaling to promote proliferation and inhibit apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells.
hsa-mir-130b osteosarcoma down Restoration of microRNA-130b expression suppresses osteosarcoma cell malignant behavior in vitro.
hsa-mir-130b ovarian cancer down Epigenetic silencing of miR-130b in ovarian cancer promotes the development of multidrug resistance by targeting colony-stimulating factor 1.
hsa-mir-130b papillary thyroid carcinoma down MicroRNA signature distinguishes the degree of aggressiveness of papillary thyroid carcinoma.
hsa-mir-130b prostate cancer down MiR-130b suppresses prostate cancer metastasis through down-regulation of MMP2.
hsa-mir-130b prostate cancer down Downregulation of miR-130b~301b cluster is mediated by aberrant promoter methylation and impairs cellular senescence in prostate cancer.
hsa-mir-130b* gastric cancer up MicroRNA profiling of human gastric cancer.
hsa-mir-130b-3p bladder cancer up Genome-Wide Screen of miRNAs and Targeting mRNAs Reveals the Negatively Regulatory Effect of miR-130b-3p on PTEN by PI3K and Integrin ?1 Signaling Pathways in Bladder Carcinoma.
hsa-mir-130b-3p breast carcinoma down miR-130b-3p inhibits cell invasion and migration by targeting the Notch ligand Delta-like 1 in breast carcinoma.